Social media agency Sydney

Social Media Story Telling To Get Followers And Sales

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a designer – no matter what you do, your job is to tell a story, especially about your business and what you are selling.


That is never going to change. Aim to build your business through your story – one of the only ways to gain a trustworthy and loyal customer base while maintaining long-term relationships.


This is REALLY important.




Your business should find ways to tell a story that grabs potential consumers’ attention the moment that they take out their phones and scroll through various social platforms. Essentially, your goal is to create content that’s attractive and appealing enough to make them stop scrolling and look at your content. That’s what you have to focus your energy on.


The social media landscape and mediums for communication have completely changed. While we still live in a world where there’s an obnoxious amount of information thrown in our faces, we have a choice to simply shut it off. Moreover, consumers would rather Snap or tweet, rather than communicate over a phone call. So, your business should understand that these Tweets, Snaps and messages are the new models of storytelling. Essentially, your business needs to EVOKE A REACTION! The end. So, tell the story in new ways, that aims to draw your audience in and to keep them interested and intrigued in your business.


It really doesn’t matter about the availability of time. If everyone can binge-watch the latest Game of Thrones, then they have time to see your content. However, you just have to ensure that they find your content interesting! If it isn’t interesting, they will stroll past it even if it is a 5-second read or a minute-long video on Instagram.




Instead of advertisements bombarding us on television screens, they are now dominating our social media accounts with more social content than you can possibly even fathom. Whether it’s a short video or a funny caption, the true test of storytelling is how the consumers are going to react to it. So, make your content memorable! Because you don’t want to become a business that people just stroll past.


Essentially, it’s all about “the setup, the punchline and hacking people’s expectations: But, if you present the same content to different audiences – then, it isn’t going to be effective. Your business needs to tailor certain content for your intended target audience.


DO RESEARCH. It is as simple and complicated as that. At the end of the day, your business should know the different purposes of each social media platforms, and work accordingly to that!




Your business can increase its marketing budget, create content and have no return in investment or the reaction that your business originally planned / hoped for. It’s extremely similar to movies. In Hollywood, there’s an extensive large number of blockbusters that don’t make a return after spending millions of dollars. So, it will be smarter if businesses knew their intended budget and build it from there. It’s just practicality, but the value is different.


Movies are on a larger scale when it comes to the viewing time but evidently holds the same concept. If you can captivate your audience and communicate an element of surprise or delight for any amount of time, then you’re on your way to remember or (in this digital media world) – reposted!



Use the internet and social media to your advantage. The platform is all at your disposal and it’s completely FREE. The internet is essentially your middlemen and your business now have the opportunity than ever to tell your story in a way that makes sense and can resonate with people around the world.


It doesn’t matter if you’re starting with zero or a thousand followers – you’re still trying to sell your story to an audience. So, constantly build up.


A piece of advice: Instead of creating content, start documenting. Overcome your fears and put yourself out there. Just tell your audience what’s happening, both physically and mentally. Show them your office layout, and also give them an insight on your vision, ideas and ambitions. At the end of the day, your content is going to gauge different reactions and whether they like it or not – completely subjective.


So, go out and figure out how the world works. People watch movies every day via Instagram Stories and Youtube! Some children haven’t even read a newspaper before! The world is changing every day and it is about time that businesses hop onto that train and change too.




Your business should look at social networks as distribution channels. Social media provides an excellent platform for the creation of content, but when you’re looking at data – posting the same thing across the channel isn’t going to have the same effect. If all the social media platforms were all the same, then they will have the same content and audience, but they don’t – so, why should your content be the same?

If your business is struggling with telling and communicating your story across your intended audience – then call the Social Media Network a call and we will help you gain brand visibility while creating a long-term relationship with your consumers!

tSMN Digital