
Instagram Ads

Instagram has the highest engagement rate across all social media platforms.
Engagement, Reach & Leads!

Here’s Why We Love Instagram Ads

In our experience, running instagram has helped us keep our clients very very happy. Instagram has the highest engagement rates than any other platform. Not only that, our cost per conversions across instagram are significantly lower than Adwords and Facebook.

How it works: More engagement mean, more attention to your brand. More attention means more clicks. More clicks mean? More conversions! We absolutely love Instagram advertising.

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It Takes On Average 5.5x For Your Brand To Be Seen For Users To Feel
Comfortable Enough To Engage With You.

Anyone Can Hit The “Grow Audience” Button On An Instagram Post, But Please Don’t!

IG has a feature where you can boost a post with the ‘Grow Your Audience’ button. It’s set up to encourage users to spend more and reach more people. However, it’s not very effective, it churns through your budget and there isn’t any real ROI, retargeting features or accuracy.

We use Ad Manager, retargeting tactics and build IG ads to spec to maximise engagement, increase the number of people we reach, increase the number of people driven to your website and build a brand presence to highly interested people (through retargeting).

If you want to know more, shoot us an email ay social@tsmn.com.au or visit our Contact Us Page

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All Our Social Media Packages Include An IG/ Facebook Advertising Budget, This Ensures Your Community/ Leads / Sales Grow Every Month

Instagram and Facebook Advertising are the most targeted form of digital advertising on the internet. When advertising on instagram or Facebook, you can set targeting parameters to include such information as:

  • Age
  • Geographical location
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Employment industries
  • Peoples specific interests (the real crux behind targeting)
  • People in specific groups
  • Income
  • Parents of specific aged children
  • Or even your competitor’s followers! (our little secret)

This simply means that Instagram allows you to advertise to a specific group of targeted users, ensuring that you do not waste time and money advertising to the wrong target market. Your ads will be seen exactly by the people who are potential customers.

Our team will create a marketing funnel of very interested users into a custom audience then duplicate that audience with a Look-a-Like Feature.  – Not sure what that means?

This means we use data on your customers to find more relevant/ similar users that will be interested in your service or product.

What You Can Expect With Our IG Ad Services

  • More targeted IG users to your business/ product page
  • More traffic to your sales page
  • More followers
  • We will create your IG Ad and write your ‘Copy’
  • Videography / Photography
  • A targeted strategy to ensure we are seen by your potential customers
  • Build buzz around your brand
  • More engagement, sales & leads
  • Reporting and optimisations to ensure a high ROI
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Contact Us Now And We’ll Get To Work On Your Social Media Strategy.

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