
Google Ads Agency

We’re A Premier Google Partner
Social media agency Sydney

Google Ads (Adwords) To Drive Buyers, Not Browsers To Your Landing Page

We’re a Sydney based Google Ads Agency and genuinely LOVE Adwords. Our team at The Social Media Network has many years of experience working with Google Adwords and is one of the top agencies ranked in this field. When you partner with us, you know you’re in good hands!

We’ll Get You Lower Cost Bids

Our Google Ads Agency will drive traffic to your Landing Page as cheaply as possible.

What makes us different from other Adwords agencies is that we don’t just blindly target your Google Ads to relevant Keywords; we look at your entire campaign from a 360° perspective.


This means we will not only find the right keywords you should be targeting in your Adwords campaign, but we’ll also look at the quality of the Ad, it’s relevancy, Ad formats, the landing page experience and usability, what your competition are doing/bidding, expected click through rates and reverse engineer a strategy for lower cost keywords, higher quality Ad rankings & hot leads!

Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney

Regular Optimisations: It’s Not About “Spend More, Get More”

We’ll take your budget and utilise it in the most cost effective way.

The biggest mistake business’s make with Google Adwords is that they fail to optimise for keywords that do not produce a conversion. As an experienced Adwords Agency, our team will look at the data we receive and continually optimise and remove keywords that are eating up our budget and do not produce a result. – This is Key.


If any one of our team members had a ‘Set-and-Forget’ mentality, then they would not have a place at The Social Media Network. On a brighter note, our team is awesome & very talented, so you as a client will never have to worry!

Adwords Retargeting

We will implement every possible strategy to squeeze every ounce of conversion possible with your budget

Advertising on Google is great, hell, we even do it. However the part that hurts the most is when you pay $6 a click, people come to your website and there is no conversion! Annoying!


In the world of consumerism, there is only a small percentage of people who are ready to purchase there and then. For the other majority of customers who are not ready to make a decision, if they have landed on your page from your Google Adwords campaign, we will retarget them. This ensures non of your budget is wasted!

Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney

ROI & Adword Campaign Reporting

The proof is in the pudding.

You will receive regular reporting so you can physically see how your Google Ad Campaigns are going!


The main goal of running a Google Ad Campaign is to receive conversions and leads; so if we’re doing a good job you should be able to see these happening, however, without accurate reporting we wouldn’t be in business.

“86% Of Consumers Use Google To Find A Local Business” – Hubspot

We’re A Premier Google Ads Partner

Basically this means our team have past Google’s requirements as a top Adwords Agency


The google partner badge means that our team and agency have passed a certain number of qualifications and exams and that we are up to date on all our Google Product knowledge. AKA our Google Ads agency knows their shit.

Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney

No Lock In Contracts

Our clients stay with us because they like our service and get results.


tSMN has no lock in contracts, we only require 4 weeks notice for any cancellation as we plan & work in advance.


But an important thing to note is, our Google Ad campaigns get better and better with time as we collect and optimise your campaigns, so it might be worth while to invest in the time to create a killer campaign.

Drop A Line

Contact Us Now And We’ll Get To Work On Your Google Ads Campaign.