
Social Media Case Study:
Lead Generation

iStyle Shutters

Social media agency Sydney

About The Client: IStyle Shutters

Lead Generation Via Facebook & Instagram

iStyle shutters is a premium shutter and blinds company located here in Sydney. They have never used social media or had any faith that it would work for them. Our mission, was to show them just how powerful and successful social media could be.

Our client had no interest in Reach, click through rates or engagement, they just wanted high volume and quality leads and thats what we love. #NoFlufJustResults

Context, iStyle has been using SMS Marketing (through us), Local Promotional Magazines & a history of google Adwords to push leads, which have been quite successful.

Phase One: Initial Setup, build Facebook & Instagram with content & followers to socially proof the business

Phase Two: Run Ads

Phase Three: Optimise for improved lead quality & scale the campaign

Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney

The Goal

About The Campaign: The biggest challenge was optimising the lead form and delivery to increase lead quality, which we did successfully.

The Result

  • We Destroyed All Their Other Marketing
    Channels @ $34.69 A Lead With A 10-20% Conversion To Sale On A Big Ticket Product. Not To Mention Help Build Their Database With Repeat Sales & Referrals.
  • In Total: 3,223 Leads Over 2 Years And Reach Of 588,403 With In Sydney (Last Updated July, 2020)

Social Media out performed all marketing channels, yes it did take many optimisations to increase lead quality, right targeting, the right content & video production – but we got there in under 30 days.

There is opportunities for us to drop the cost per lead via social media to $2-$8, however your lead quality drop significantly and your conversion rate will drop to 1%. Our team have done the testing, simplified the customer journey and successfully scaled.

Google’s cost per click in this industry averaged $17-38 with a cost per lead of $150+. Social Media is now sitting at $34.69 a lead.

Social media agency Sydney
We have over 35 clients in lead generation, if you would like to meet with a member of our team to discuss your business further feel free to contact us here