
Social Media Case Study:
eCommerce Sales

Melli Cosmetics

Social media agency Sydney

About The Client: Melli Cosmetics

ECommerce Sales Via Facebook & Instagram

Melli Cosmetics is a successful brand by celebrity make up artist Melissa Carter. Her story is very inspirational and she makes fantastic products.

Organically Melli cosmetics does well in the ecommerce space, does fantastic PR and is at all the greatest trade shows. Our goal: turn a $200 a week ad budget into pure social media sales targeting a brand new audience outside of Melli Cosmetics current social circle.

Phase One: Initial Setup her Pixel and change up the look of her social media because she already had the social proof with 8k followers we spent less time needed in this phase.

Phase Two: Create content & Run Ads – Content and ads work hand in hand, when people want to purchase from a brand or a brand they are not familiar with they do their research, what better way than to cruise through social media!

Phase Three: Optimise for improved lead quality & scale the campaign

Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney
Social media agency Sydney

The Goal

The biggest challenge was navigating sales through Covid-19. Selling product to an audience that either were experiencing financial difficulty or cosmetics just wasn’t a priority during lockdown – We still made it work

The Result

  • Pure Bad Ass Sales With A 13,000% Return On Ad Spend In Two Weeks.
  • Initially We Spent $473.74 And Achieved 68 Purchase Conversions @ $6.97 A Conversion. Total Purchase Value From Ads Is $6,261 In Just Two Weeks Of Testing.

Social Media conversion ads has added significant value to the business and is a strong performer. The reason we were able to reach these levels in such a short is time is because our team have years and years of learns in terms of Social Media Socials.

During Covid-19 you see many ads were social media companies say now is the best time to be selling online, however this is only a sales tactic – if we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic, we would have be able to do at least 30% more sales.

The best part, each sale and new customer we acquire, there are opportunities to generate further sales from repeat customers & referral value. This is why social media is so sexy.

Social media agency Sydney
We have over 40 clients in eCommerce, if you would like to meet with a member of our team to discuss your business further feel free to contact us here